KB4151: How to uninstall Veeam CDP VAIO filter driver manually
https://www.veeam.com/kb415122.04.2021 · Prerequisite 1: Change the VM storage policy for all VMs that were protected by Veeam CDP from "Veeam CDP Replication" to “Datastore Default”, or another appropriate policy (see screenshot below).This change only needs to be done to the source virtual machines, the replica virtual machines should be deleted manually. After deleting the CDP Replica(s) there …
VMware CDP Proxy - User Guide for VMware vSphere
helpcenter.veeam.com › docs › backupJun 08, 2021 · Veeam CDP Proxy Service manages all CDP activities such as data aggregation, data compression and decompression, data transfer and other. Veeam Installer Service is an auxiliary service that is installed and started on any Windows server once it is added to the list of managed servers in the Veeam Backup & Replication console.