21.05.2009 · 10.0″ Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: “Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider “BULK” for linked server “(null)”.”. An OLE DB record is available.
04.04.2013 · In Veeam B&R v8: Starting with version 8, Veeam uses the account specified on “Guest Processing” tab in the job settings for log truncation. This user account may not have required user permissions for performing database backup or log truncation.
my backup software on vmware (veeam) issues a truncate command on all sql db's nightly as part of its backup procuedure. about 2 weeks ago the below errors began. i tried a few things, but i'm still not having any luck resolving this, latest thing was a dbcc checkdb which returned no errors, ... ManagementReporter. Code = 0x80040e14.
Aug 31, 2016 · The log file is separated into logical units called VLFs (virtual log files). When you back up the log, any VLFs that do not contain active transactions are marked for reuse. When the log file gets to the end of the file, it cycles around back to the beginning of the log file (assuming there are usable VLFs at the start).
Apr 04, 2013 · Depending on Veeam B&R version there may be different causes: In Veeam B&R prior to v8: By default, LOCAL SYSTEM account does not have log truncation rights on SQL 2012. In Veeam B&R v8: Starting with version 8, Veeam uses the account specified on “Guest Processing” tab in the job settings for log truncation.
May 12, 2014 · Failed to perform internal backup (JvsProduction): Code = 0x80040e14. Code meaning = IDispatch error #3092. Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server. Description = Write on "C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup\SqlLogBackup\ {a4721f87-0dce-4ad1-a142-49bbea5d5850}.bak" failed: 112 (failed to retrieve text for this error.
Apr 28, 2015 · Database model: failed to truncate transaction logs. Error: Code = 0x80040e14 Code meaning = IDispatch error #3092 Source = Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server Description = The server principal "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" is not able to access the database "model" under the current security context.
01.09.2016 · Robert for Microsoft wrote: I would do the full backup first thing to make sure you can at least get back to where you are now. This will also give you the option to restore that full backup in non-production and test the process. Took a full backup - not a problem. Followed your instructions and took a trans' logs backup and that's what I got ...
Sep 16, 2016 · I had a customer that contacted me to day because he got a warning that Veeam Backup was "Unable to truncate Microsoft SQL Server transaction logs.Details: Failed to ...
My Veeam is having a hard time truncating SQL logs. When I'm looking at the job log I see the following: failed to truncate transaction logs. Error: Code = ...
16.09.2016 · I had a customer that contacted me to day because he got a warning that Veeam Backup was "Unable to truncate Microsoft SQL Server transaction logs.Details: Failed to process 'TruncateSQLLog' command. Failed to truncate SQL server transaction logs for instances: BI See guest helper log."