28.04.2021 · Compression works in the following way: All chunks of data that are larger than 512 bytes are subject to compression; each blob file that is created is compressed first and then saved to object storage. To compress data, Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 uses the Gzip algorithm. For more information about this algorithm, see this Gzip article.
Optimal – this is the default compression used on Veeam jobs that leverages LZ4 compression. It provides typical compression ratios around 2:1 with fairly light ...
07.07.2021 · You can select this compression level if you want to decrease the load on the backup proxy. Optimal is the recommended compression level. It provides the best ratio between size of the file and time of the procedure. High compression level provides additional 10% compression ratio over the Optimal level at the cost of about 10x higher CPU usage.
10.09.2021 · You can select this compression level if you want to decrease the load on the CPU of the Veeam Agent computer. Optimal is the recommended compression level. It provides the best ratio between size of the backup file and time of the backup procedure.
27.04.2016 · Optimal is the recommended compression level. It provides the best ratio between size of the backup file and time of the backup procedure. High compression level provides additional 10% compression ratio over the Optimal level at …
Optimal – this is the default compression used on Veeam jobs that leverages LZ4 compression. It provides typical compression ratios around 2:1 with fairly light CPU overhead. This light CPU overhead allows for excellent throughput with rates up to 150 MB/s per core and even faster decompression rates.
03.04.2017 · Veeam’s data compression ratio is only about 2:1 whereas many offerings in the market can get you closer to 7:1 or even 10:1. It’s not the best out there but it’s definitely a start! Herein lies the importance of leveraging backup appliances in your environment. Many Purpose-Built Backup Appliances (PBBA) have deep integrations with Veeam ...
26.01.2012 · Hm, I noticed that the compression ratio actually shows when you get reports by e-mail, but I couldn't find it in the Veeam Console. In some other jobs I have, for Windows machines (various types, such as database, application and file servers), the compression ratio is listed as almost always 1.2 for when I use the "Optimal" compression setting, and most often 1.3 when …
07.07.2021 · You can select this compression level if you want to decrease the load on the backup proxy. Optimal is the recommended compression level. It provides the best ratio between size of the file and time of the procedure. High compression level provides additional 10% compression ratio over the Optimal level at the cost of about 10x higher CPU usage.
Summary. This rule collects the performance metric Compression Ratio % for Veeam B&R Job. Metric definition: Compression ratio in percentage, estimated as ...