Veeam 7 with Dedupe Appliances | Justin's IT Blog › 2013 › 12Dec 06, 2013 · However with the new features of Veeam 7 you can use both raw disk as well as a dedupe appliance and get the best of both worlds. Veeam introduced the ability to copy backups to a secondary location as well as define retention schedules for that secondary location in a format in which many customers were used to (Grandfather, Father, Son).
KB1745: Deduplication Appliance Best Practices › kb1745Mar 27, 2013 · The default options of Veeam Backup & Replication are intended for non-deduplication storage. If you use deduplication storage systems, you need to additionally configure the backup architecture and Veeam settings to achieve best performance. Below are some hardware and software configuration options that can be used with deduplication storages.
Deduplication appliance - Veeam R&D Forums › vmware-vsphere-f24May 11, 2018 · - Create a store within the Quantum DXi and Enable the Veeam processing. - Add the store as Dedupication Repository (own Quantum DXi menu item) to Veeam. - It will use FastCloning within the Veeam Enhanced DataMover that will run directly on the Quantum DXi (+ of cause their own deduplication). For Exagrid - There is no FastCloning support yet.
Deduplication Appliances - › deduplicationUsing Deduplication Appliance as a Virtual Tape Library If a deduplication appliance is used in Virtual Tape Library (VTL) mode, the repository used for staging should be configured with “Decompress before storing” advanced option enabled, which ensures any previously applied compression at the job level is ignored.
KB1745: Deduplication Appliance Best Practices · The default options of Veeam Backup & Replication are intended for non-deduplication storage. If you use deduplication storage systems, you need to additionally configure the backup architecture and Veeam settings to achieve best performance. Below are some hardware and software configuration options that can be used with deduplication …