KB2023: Best Practices for Microsoft Deduplication
www.veeam.com › kb2023Apr 22, 2015 · Best practices for MS deduplicated volumes as backup repository: 1) It is important to format the volume with large NTFS File Record Segment (FRS) (4096 bytes instead of 1024 by default) as you could face NTFS limitation errors in future. You could verify FRS size with the following command: fsutil fsinfo ntfsinfo <volume pathname>
Deduplication Best Practices - Veeam
go.veeam.com › rs › veeamPlanning for disk-based deduplication Estimated sizing: Applicable to environments with less than 1.5T of daily data ingestion daily (10.5T weekly) Limits Large full backups ( > 1.5T) require lengthy dedupe process Consider running active fulls monthly to split ingestion of large amounts of data Live Demo Agenda
Deduplication Appliance Best Practices - Veeam Software
https://www.veeam.com/kb174527.03.2013 · 2. Place a deduplication storage on both sides: 3. Place a deduplication storage on primary side and use object storage or tape on second site. Use Veeam backup to tape jobs or Veeam scale-out backup repository cloud tier (connection to object storages) to store data offsite. The scenario above reflects general best practices.
Data Compression and Deduplication - Veeam Software Help Center
helpcenter.veeam.com › docs › backupJul 07, 2021 · With data deduplication enabled, Veeam Backup & Replication does not store to the resulting file identical data blocks and space that has been pre-allocated but not used. We recommend you enable data deduplication if your backup or replication jobs contain several VMs that have a lot of free space on their logical disks or VMs that have similar data blocks — for example, VMs that were created from the same template.