Nimble Storage snapshot backup problem : Veeam › r › VeeamVeeam is not able to perform a storage-snapshot backup. Error: (Cannot find LUN with SCSI ID #long number#) When I backup without the use of storage snapshots, backups are successful. When I look on Windows server to disk manager, the volumes that have HQ as upstream are offline, but healthy (Primary partition) The two volumes that have ...
lun show - NetApp › lun__showvmware- the LUN stores VMware data; windows- the LUN stores a raw disk type in a single-partition Windows disk using the Master Boot Record (MBR) partitioning style. windows_gpt- the LUN stores Windows data using the GUID Partition Type (GPT) partitioning style. windows_2008- the LUN stores Windows data for Windows 2008 and 2012 systems.
KB1854: Patch 3 Release Notes for Veeam Backup & Replication 7.0 › kb1854Feb 13, 2014 · Patch 3 Release Notes for Veeam Backup & Replication 7.0. ForceCreateMissingVBK (DWORD) Enables support for rotated drives. With this functionality enabled, if any backup file from the latest full backup chain is missing (such as when the existing hard drive is replaced by another one), jobs will start the new backup chain and create the new full backup (instead of failing out).