Apr 15, 2014 · Solution. To resolve, create a new DWORD in the registry to use only .NET 4.0 assemblies during install. Click here to send feedback regarding this KB, or suggest content for a new KB. To report a typo on this page, highlight the typo with your mouse and press CTRL +Enter.
20.01.2021 · Now I'm wondering if Veeam failure to install has anything to do with this being a backup server to the DC, as it has DNS and AD services running. That this is a domain controller is pertinent information which should have been pointed out. I know Veeam is supported on DC's but there may be special steps needed.
19.11.2013 · In case you are interested in what I've done: - re-moved any instance of SQL, veeam installer files, and attempted re-install several times. - reverted to .NET 4.0, failed install, re-reverted to .NET 4.5.1, failed install. - attempted command prompt silent install through msiexec:"backup catalog" installed, but "backup and replication" did not.
10.09.2021 · Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows will also set up Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 if it does not detect this component on the computer during the product installation. In some cases, installation of prerequisite software requires computer reboot.
Jan 17, 2021 · It's crapping out trying to install the Microsoft Report Viewer. Whether it's an issue installing the viewer or a .NET issue, I don't know. I'd try installing the Report Viewer manually and then if the Veeam install continues to crap out, maybe repair .NET and/or uninstall/reinstall.
NET Framework, and all Veeam Backup Services were back to the started state. Jun 30, 2020 · In one Veeam Server, it recognizes that it was installed, ...
15.04.2014 · Solution. To resolve, create a new DWORD in the registry to use only .NET 4.0 assemblies during install. Click here to send feedback regarding this KB, or suggest content for a new KB. To report a typo on this page, highlight the typo with your mouse and press CTRL +Enter.
NET Framework 4. ... Use instead the Veeam console installed on a management server. ... This means the installation will fail, unless you use the real ...
Sep 10, 2021 · Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows will also set up Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 if it does not detect this component on the computer during the product installation. In some cases, installation of prerequisite software requires computer reboot.
Nov 20, 2013 · In case you are interested in what I've done: - re-moved any instance of SQL, veeam installer files, and attempted re-install several times. - reverted to .NET 4.0, failed install, re-reverted to .NET 4.5.1, failed install. - attempted command prompt silent install through msiexec:"backup catalog" installed, but "backup and replication" did not.
Veeam Backup & Replication will display the current and latest available versions for installed components. In the Components Update window, select check boxes ...
If Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 is not installed on the machine, Veeam Backup & Replication will install it automatically. If you plan to restore VM guest OS files from VMs running Microsoft Windows ReFS or from VMs with data deduplication enabled for some volumes, you must assign the mount server role to machines running specific OS versions.
30.06.2020 · After install/repair Microsoft.NET Framework, I reboot the server, run Windows update again in case there are new updates for Microsoft.NET Framework, and all Veeam Backup Services were back to the started state. I did not know what case this, but I know it is not a Veeam issue but instead a Windows issue.
If Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 is not installed on the machine, Veeam Backup & Replication will install it automatically. If you plan to restore VM guest OS files from VMs running Microsoft Windows ReFS or from VMs with data deduplication enabled for some volumes, you must assign the mount server role to machines running specific OS versions.