Event Types | Okta Developer
developer.okta.com › docs › referenceDetect one-time refresh token attempted reuse. This event can be used by administrators to detect and audit attempted reuse of one-time refresh tokens. When fired this event contains information about the user, client to which the refresh token was minted, and the hash of the refresh tokens.
Backup Restore | VCF For Vxrail APIs
developer.vmware.com › apis › vcf-for-vxrailDec 14, 2021 · Using a computer that has access to the secure secondary storage where the backup files are stored, navigate to the backup file and extract the contents of the encrypted tar file using the following command. OPENSSL_FIPS= 1 openssl enc -d -aes -256 -cbc -md sha256 -in filename-of-selected-file | tar -xz. Copy.
KB2969: Veeam Backup for Office 365 Complete Permissions
https://www.veeam.com/kb296926.06.2019 · 2969. Product: Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 5.0, Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 4.0. Published: 2019-06-26. Last Modified: 2021-08-12. Starting with Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office version 4c, two different modern authentication methods and a basic authentication method for working with Office 365 organizations are supported.