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veeam licensing faq

Licensing and License Types - Veeam Backup for Microsoft ...
https://helpcenter.veeam.com › guide
Licensing in Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 is based on user accounts whose data you back up; each protected user account...
Veeam Backup & Replication v11 FAQ
https://www.veeam.com › backup-...
They are managed through a single console. All versions of Veeam Agents for ...
Veeam Management Pack FAQ
https://www.veeam.com › manage...
Answers for frequently asked questions about Veeam Management Pack for ...
FAQ on support renewals - Veeam Software
https://www.veeam.com › support-...
Currently, annual perpetual renewals are priced at 27% of the full new license MSRP for Production Support at the time of renewal. Annual renewals for legacy ...
Licensing - Veeam Software Help Center
helpcenter.veeam.com › vsphere › licensing
Jul 20, 2021 · Instance Licensing. Veeam Backup & Replication can be licensed by the number of instances. Instances are units (or tokens) that you can use to protect your virtual, physical or cloud-based workloads. For more information, see Veeam Licensing Policy. You must obtain a license with the total number of instances for workloads that you plan to ...
Veeam products licensing FAQ
https://www.veeam.com › faq
Veeam® licenses software in a variety of ways depending on the specific product and use case you are interested in. This includes licensing by the number of ...
FAQ: Veeam Licensing - Probax
kb.probax.io › faq-veeam-licensing
FAQ: Veeam Licensing Learn about the benefits of provisioning Veeam licences through Probax. What are the benefits in moving my Veeam licensing to Probax? How can you offer such competitive rates on Veeam licensing? I'm already receiving better pricing from another provider. Can you beat it? How do I provision and apply new licensing through ...
Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 – FAQ
https://www.veeam.com › backup-...
Find answers to FAQs about licensing, upgrades and usage of Veeam Backup for ...
Veeam Platform Licensing and Pricing
www.veeam.com › licensing-pricing
Veeam Platform® is available in two packages: Veeam Availability Suite™ and Veeam Backup & Replication™. It is licensed with the Veeam Universal License (VUL) which is an easy-to-use, per-workload license, available via subscription or perpetual options, for protecting data across on premises and multi-cloud environments.
Types of Licenses - User Guide for VMware vSphere
01.02.2021 · Veeam Software offers the following types of licenses for Veeam Backup & Replication: Paid Licenses Subscription license — license that expires at the end of the subscription term. The Subscription license term is normally 1-3 years from the date of license issue. Perpetual license — permanent license.
Veeam Platform Licensing and Pricing
Veeam Platform® is available in two packages: Veeam Availability Suite™ and Veeam Backup & Replication™. It is licensed with the Veeam Universal License (VUL) which is an easy-to-use, per-workload license, available via subscription or perpetual options, for protecting data across on premises and multi-cloud environments.
Veeam products licensing FAQ
www.veeam.com › faq
Veeam Universal License FAQs Veeam offers a range of licensing options with the focus on making licensing products as simple and flexible as possible for customers. The Veeam Universal License (VUL) is the most capable and flexible license option available.
FAQ on Veeam Support Renewals
www.veeam.com › support-renewals
FAQ on support renewals. Here are the general Veeam® support renewal guidelines: Veeam product licenses include Production Support 24.7.365 Support. Legacy per-Socket licenses include either Production or Basic Support depending on what was purchased. Premier level of support can be included for an additional charge for large enterprise customers.
Veeam products licensing FAQ
Licensing policy Veeam Universal License FAQs Veeam offers a range of licensing options with the focus on making licensing products as simple and flexible as possible for customers. The Veeam Universal License (VUL) is the most capable and flexible license option available.
Veeam Platform Licensing and Pricing
https://www.veeam.com › licensing...
Standalone and cost-effective cloud-native protection for in cloud backup and recovery. Licensed separately. aws. Veeam Backup for AWS.
Veeam Backup & Replication v11 FAQ
Veeam sells licenses in bundles of 10 portable licenses instead of just selling single product-specific licenses. Fortunately, VUL licenses can be used across multiple workloads with the following products and features including: Veeam Backup & Replication, Veeam ONE, Enterprise Plugins for SAP HANA and Oracle, Nutanix AHV backups, Network Attached Storage (NAS) …
Veeam Backup & Replication v11 FAQ
www.veeam.com › backup-faq
Veeam® Backup & Replication ™ is Veeam’s powerful industry leading backup and recovery engine that provides simple, reliable and flexible protection of all your cloud, virtual and physical workloads and so much more. With many advanced backup, restore, replication and continuous data protection capabilities, Veeam Backup & Replication is ...
Veeam Licensing Policy
https://www.veeam.com › licensing...
When Veeam gives a free production license or adds licenses/features at no cost for a limited time, the duration of the offer is defined by the promotion's ...
Veeam Licensing Policy
Veeam License Key contains specific licensing terms and a signature record that proves the integrity of the License Key file for the product. Only those License Keys that are marked as “Active” in Veeam’s records are considered legitimate and valid License Keys. Customer’s Active License Keys are always visible on the Customer Portal.
https://forums.veeam.com › read-t...
A: Customers can use a single License Key to deploy multiple backup infrastructures with no design restrictions, provided that they use Veeam ...
Licensing - Veeam Software Help Center
20.07.2021 · For more information, see Veeam Licensing Policy. You must obtain a license with the total number of instances for workloads that you plan to protect in Veeam Backup & Replication. Workloads that have been processed in the past 31 days are considered protected. Every protected workload consumes instances from the license scope.
FAQ sur les licences des produits Veeam
FAQ sur la Licence Universelle de Veeam (VUL) Grâce à son choix d’options, Veeam s’efforce de rendre la gestion des licences aussi simple et flexible que possible pour ses clients. L’option de licence VUL est la plus efficace et flexible actuellement disponible.
Licensing - User Guide for VMware vSphere
https://helpcenter.veeam.com › docs
Licensing · To work with · Veeam licenses · You can use both instance and socket licenses. · Instance Licensing · Veeam Backup & Replication · You ...
Veeam-Produktlizenzierung – FAQ
FAQ Veeam-Lizenzierung (alle Produkte) Veeam® lizenziert Software in Abhängigkeit des konkreten Produkts und Ihrem Anwendungsszenario auf unterschiedliche Weise. Möglich sind eine Lizenzierung nach der Anzahl der geschützten Workloads, nach Nutzer oder Instanz für den Veeam Availability Orchestrator sowie ältere Optionen nach Sockel.
FAQ: Veeam Licensing - Probax
FAQ: Veeam Licensing Learn about the benefits of provisioning Veeam licences through Probax. What are the benefits in moving my Veeam licensing to Probax? How can you offer such competitive rates on Veeam licensing? I'm already receiving better pricing from another provider.
Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 – FAQ
To calculate the number of licenses you need, count the number of users within your Office 365 subscription. You do not need to count the same user more than once across multiple Office 365 services (e.g. the same Exchange Online, SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business user = one Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 user).. Here are additional details for each Office 365 …