20.12.2013 · I actually changed the hostname prior to installing Veeam, so that's why I was a little confused why this issue surfaced, if that's even the issue! I did change the hostname after I installed Veeam, and had this service not start. Ya I don't have support, that's why I …
05.10.2021 · Veeam Service Provider Console is implemented as a Veeam Management Agent Service that runs on a managed computer. If something goes wrong with this service, you might try to restart it on a client computer.. Required Privileges. To perform this task, a user must have one of the following roles assigned: Portal Administrator, Site Administrator, Portal Operator.
Oct 05, 2021 · For details, see Accessing Veeam Service Provider Console. In the menu on the left, click Discovery. Open the Discovered Computers tab and navigate to Computers. Select the necessary computers in the list. At the top of the list, click Management Agent and choose Restart Agent Service.
When I brought the server back up, I can no longer start Veeam. I get the following error message: Veeam backup and replication service is not running. Please ...
02.12.2021 · To deploy Veeam Service Provider Console management agent on machines hosting Veeam products, you must obtain the management agent setup file. To download the management agent setup file, you can use one of the following options. Required Privileges. To perform this task, a user must have one of the following roles assigned: Portal Administrator, …
Dec 14, 2015 · Re: Veeam Agent service won't start. Talked to a Veeam technician for about an hour, they said it was a SQL issue. The technician installed SQL Server Management Studio to unmount the database and rebuilt the database using a regedit change. After a reboot in the weekend after midnight the Veeam Agent is back up and running.
Dec 02, 2021 · Management agents that are already connected to Veeam Service Provider Console will not be affected. If you have downloaded setup file for management agent assigned to the company but did not install the management agent before token expiration, the setup file will become invalid.
Dec 20, 2013 · I actually changed the hostname prior to installing Veeam, so that's why I was a little confused why this issue surfaced, if that's even the issue! I did change the hostname after I installed Veeam, and had this service not start. Ya I don't have support, that's why I turned to people here.
13.12.2015 · Re: Veeam Agent service won't start. Talked to a Veeam technician for about an hour, they said it was a SQL issue. The technician installed SQL Server Management Studio to unmount the database and rebuilt the database using a regedit change. After a reboot in the weekend after midnight the Veeam Agent is back up and running.
First go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Veeam > Veeam Backup and Replication and verify that SqlServerName is correct and not some random windows generated name. Second go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Veeam > Veeam Backup Catalog and verify the CatalogSharedFolderPath is correct. After that the service should start up like normal.
Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs.’ However, this does not make sense because the main Veeam backup service needs to run. The first thing I thought to check was the event logs. I found this: Veeam wont start and it seemed to be a database issue. However this was a brand new Veeam server and ...