Dec 22, 2021 · If you want to migrate the configuration database of Veeam Backup & Replication to another server, perform the following steps: Stop and disable jobs. Back up the configuration database. Connect Veeam Backup & Replication to another SQL Server instance. Restore the configuration database from the backup.
Sep 11, 2021 · Steps in a nutshell: Run or backup Veeam from the console, dismount the database from the MS SQL Server, – Install MSSQL and mount the DB, use dbconfig and point Veeam to the new instance. Here are the steps needed to migrate your Veeam SQL Databank to a new server. Next, ensure the following requirements are met. 1.
08.01.2014 · Migrate Database from SQL Express to SQL Server. We are slowly reaching the max database size supported for SQL Express 2008 R2 for our Veeam v8 instance. We would like to move the database currently on the same VM as Veeamone to our production SQL Server.
30.09.2011 · Other Migration Types: Migrating Veeam Backup & Replication to Another Server. How to Move Veeam Backup & Replication Backup Files. Click here to send feedback regarding this KB, or suggest content for a new KB. To report a typo on this page, highlight the typo with your mouse and press CTRL +Enter.
24.11.2011 · Once the services are stopped it's time to get going on backing up our Veeam databases. Veeam has 2 databases that it uses; VeeamBackup and VeeamBackupReporting. We will need to back both of these up in order to restore on our new SQL server. So, fire up SQL Server Management Studio and find the VeeamBackup database and follow the following. steps.
29.03.2021 · Run or backup Veeam from the console, dismount the database from the MS SQL 2012, – Install MSSQL 2016 mount the DB, use dbconfig and point Veeam to the new instance. Here are the steps needed to migrate your Veeam SQL Databank to a new server. Prerequisite: – Pull a backup or take a snapshot of the VM. – Microsoft SQL Server 2016 . Steps 1.
01.10.2021 · If you use native Microsoft SQL Server tools, after migration, some information, such as secure configuration data, may not be accessible. This section gives instructions on how to migrate Veeam Backup & Replication together with its configuration database to another server. If you need to migrate only the configuration database, see Migrating ...
Nov 10, 2018 · Open Start -> Veeam -> Configuration Database Connection Settings . Select “Veeam Backup and Replication” and click “Next” In the next window you can enter the server name of the new SQL database server. Here you can change the database name, too. If the database does not exists it will be created automatically.
10.11.2018 · This step-by-step manual should help you to migrate your Veeam SQL database to a new database server without dataloss. Before you begin: If your Veeam Server/database server is a virtual machine you can take a snapshot for fast recovery if necessary. Learn more about the supported SQL Server versions here: Step 1:
Sep 30, 2011 · Migrating Veeam Backup & Replication to Another Server. How to Move Veeam Backup & Replication Backup Files. Click here to send feedback regarding this KB, or suggest content for a new KB. To report a typo on this page, highlight the typo with your mouse and press CTRL +Enter.
May 29, 2014 · Migrate the Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager configuration database to an existing SQL Instance but keep the software in place. Use case example: You want to keep Backup Enterprise Manager installed where it is, but shift from using the default local SQL instance to a dedicated SQL server's instance.
11.09.2021 · Steps in a nutshell: Run or backup Veeam from the console, dismount the database from the MS SQL Server, – Install MSSQL and mount the DB, use dbconfig and point Veeam to the new instance. Here are the steps needed to migrate your Veeam SQL Databank to a new server. Next, ensure the following requirements are met. 1.
Veeam Backup & Replication stores all information about backup infrastructure, jobs settings, job history, sessions and other configuration data in a Microsoft SQL Server database. When planning the Veeam Backup & Replication deployment you must choose the placement of the configuration database. It may be either a local or remote SQL Server ...
22.12.2021 · It is recommended that you use Veeam Backup & Replication tools to create configuration backups and migrate the configuration database. If you use native Microsoft SQL Server tools or others, after migration, some information, such as secure configuration data, may not be accessible.
29.05.2014 · Details regarding the migration of Veeam Backup & Replication are now fully documented in the product user guide. Please review the following documentation: Migrating Veeam Backup & Replication to Another Server; Other Migration Types: Migrating Configuration Database to Another SQL Server; How to Move Veeam Backup & Replication Backup Files