Backup Repository - Veeam Software Help Center › backup_repositoryOct 01, 2021 · A backup repository is a storage location where Veeam keeps backup files, VM copies and metadata for replicated VMs. To configure a backup repository, you can use the following storage types: Direct attached storage. You can add virtual and physical servers as backup repositories: Microsoft Windows server. Linux server. Network attached storage.
Multiple repositories? - Veeam R&D Forums › veeam-backup-replication-f2Feb 10, 2012 · Multiple repositories? I recently setup some VB&R Copy jobs a couple weeks ago. After briefly reading/skimming through the admin guide section about Copy jobs, I apparently misunderstood how it would work and thought each Copy job would transform things regularly to keep only one VBK and then just store VIB changes for each archive restore ...
How to use multiple backup repositories ... - Veeam Software › kb2987Aug 13, 2019 · To create multiple Veeam Backup & Replication repositories on a single HPE StoreOnce Catalyst Store and avoid backup data corruption, do the following: Create a new HPE StoreOnce Catalyst Store. Make sure the Veeam PowerShell Module is loaded by running the following command: Add-PSSnapin -Name VeeamPSSnapIn -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue.
How to use multiple backup repositories ... - Veeam Software · To minimize backup job duration and reduce disk space used for backups, you can configure multiple Veeam Backup & Replication repositories on a single HPE StoreOnce Catalyst Store. However, due to the lack of folders concept on StoreOnce, such configuration may result in Veeam B&R metadata inconsistency, causing backup data corruption. Solution