Connection Settings - Veeam ONE Deployment Guide › connection_settingsSep 22, 2021 · Connection Settings. In this article. To ensure that Veeam ONE can update the license and Veeam Intelligent Diagnostics signatures and send license usage statistics to the Veeam licensing server, check that: The machine with Veeam ONE Server component is connected to the Internet. The firewall on the machine hosting Veeam ONE Server component allows inbound and outbound HTTPS traffic over the port 443.
Step 5. Review Connection Settings - Veeam ONE Deployment Guide › docs › oneDec 14, 2020 · Veeam ONE Client; Veeam ONE Agent; Accessing Veeam ONE Client and Web Client. Configuring Trusted Connection; Configuring Veeam ONE. Connecting Servers. Connecting VMware vSphere Servers. Step 1. Launch Add Server Wizard; Step 2. Choose Server Type; Step 3. Specify Server Name and Role; Step 4. Specify Credentials; Step 5. Review Connection Settings; Step 6. Specify VM Guest OS Credentials