vSphere Proxy - Veeam Backup & Replication Best Practice Guide
bp.veeam.com › vbr › 2_Design_StructuresVeeam VMware vSphere Backup Proxy. Choosing the right Veeam proxy server design for your environment gives you much control over the impact on the vSphere infrastructure and the backup traffic flow. Proxies are the work horses and are critical components to achieve good backup and restore speeds. When thinking about proxy design you have to be familiar with the different Transport Modes to understand limitations, requirements, etc. for proxy placement and design.
Step 3. Configuring Backup Proxy - Veeam Software Help Center
helpcenter.veeam.com › vmware_setup_proxyFeb 22, 2021 · In the Choose server list, select the server that you have added. In the Transport mode field, leave the Automatic selection option selected. Veeam Backup & Replication will analyze the backup proxy configuration, define to which datastores it has access and automatically select the best way to retrieve and restore data depending on the type of connection between the backup proxy and the source datastore.
Adding VMware Backup Proxies - Veeam Software Help Center
helpcenter.veeam.com › add_vmware_proxyJan 27, 2021 · Step 1. Launch New VMware Proxy Wizard; Step 2. Select Server and Traffic Ports; Step 3. Configure Cache; Step 4. Configure Network Traffic Rules; Step 5. Review Settings and Install Components; Step 6. Apply Proxy Settings; Step 7. Finish Working with Wizard; Cache Repository; Backup Repository. Microsoft Windows Server; Linux Server; Hardened Repository. Limitations and Considerations
Adding Backup Proxy Servers - Veeam Backup for Microsoft ...
helpcenter.veeam.com › docs › vbo365Aug 26, 2020 · Adding Backup Proxy Servers. Step 1. Launch New Backup Proxy Wizard; Step 2. Specify Backup Proxy Server Address; Step 3. Specify Credentials; Editing Backup Proxy Server Settings; Rescanning Backup Proxy Servers; Upgrading Backup Proxy Servers. Step 1. Launch New Proxy Upgrade Wizard; Step 2. Select Backup Proxy Server to Upgrade; Step 3. Specify Credentials; Removing Backup Proxy Servers
KB3090: How to set a HTTP proxy for Veeam components
www.veeam.com › kb3090Jan 20, 2020 · Solution. If you use an HTTP (S) proxy server to access the Internet, make sure that WinHTTP settings are properly configured on Microsoft Windows machines with Veeam backup infrastructure components. The following command will set the proxy (all protocols) to port 8888: netsh winhttp set proxy proxy-server="" Current WinHTTP proxy settings: Proxy Server (s) : Bypass List : (none)