Failed Rpc Windows 10 Veeam Connection [K6L15T] › Veeam_RpcAbout Connection Veeam Failed Windows Rpc 10 . In rarer cases dynamic port allocation needs to be configured. Welcome to LinuxQuestions. Change the custom port for RPC_transport to any idle port, which is outside the 6000-47000 range by editing the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Veeam\Veeam Endpoint Backup\EndPoint_Rpc_Transport_Port.
KB3225: Troubleshooting Guest Processing ... - Veeam Software · Regarding Warning in VMware Environments. In VMware environments, Veeam Backup & Replication can use two methods to connect to a guest: RPC or VIX. If RPC is testing successfully, it is generally acceptable for the VIX test to fail as it will not likely be used.However, if it is desired to have VIX succeed, please see the relevant section at the bottom of the solutions …
KB1174: RPC function call failed. The RPC server is ... › kb1174Aug 23, 2011 · Make sure the VeeamVSSSupport service is no longer present. If it is, use the command ‘sc delete VeeamVSSSupport’ to remove the service. Make sure the c:\Windows\VeeamVSSSupport folder is not present. If it is, delete the folder. If it fails to delete reboot or resolve the file lock. Antivirus/Antimalware
Troubleshooting Guest Processing "Test Now ... - Veeam Software › kb3225Jul 23, 2020 · In VMware environments, Veeam Backup & Replication can use two methods to connect to a guest: RPC or VIX. If RPC is testing successfully, it is generally acceptable for the VIX test to fail as it will not likely be used. However, if it is desired to have VIX succeed, please see the relevant section at the bottom of the solutions section. Solution
KB1174: RPC function call failed. The RPC server is ... · Veeam Backup & Replication however is not able to add firewall exclusions to hardware or third-party software firewalls. The most common ports that cause this issue when using Application-Aware Image Processing are the Dynamic RPC ports that the temporary guest agents are assigned. These ports are: 1025 to 5000 (for Microsoft Windows 2003)