Veeam Availability Suite Editions Comparison › rs › veeamStandard Edition Enterprise Edition Enterprise Plus Notes Backup Copy jobs Copy all or selected VM backups to your DR storage location of choice automatically; includes validation and remediation to ensure copies are available and reliable. Veeam Cloud Connect Get your backups off site with a fully integrated, fast and secure
Veeam Editions Comparison Explorers™ for Microsoft Active Directory, Exchange, SharePoint und SQL Server und Veeam Explorer for Oracle Die ultraschnelle, zuverlässige Wiederherstellung vieler Enterprise-Anwendungen und -Anwendungsobjekte sorgt dafür, dass Sie sich in praktisch jedem Wiederherstellungsszenario auf die Einhaltung Ihrer anspruchsvollen RTOs verlassen können.
Veeam Backup & Replication Standard and Enterprise Editions › datasheets › veeam-backupvPower. Veeam Software offers 2 editions of its award-winning Veeam Backup & Replication (v5 and above) solution. Now you can choose between Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition based on your needs. A closer look: Standard and Enterprise Editions. The chart on the next two pages details the differences between Standard and Enterprise Edition. Currently, there are differences in these areas: •U-AIR (Universal Application-Item Recovery): Enterprise Edition includes U-AIR™; Standard ...
Veeam Product Features Comparison › products-edition-comparisonFeature comparison. Veeam® offers several options packaged to meet your growing data protection, monitoring and disaster recovery needs. Whether you're just getting started or you're managing a large enterprise operation, Veeam has a flexible option for you. Additionally, the new Veeam Universal License (VUL) is a game-changing portable ...