KB1377: VSS wait timeout - Veeam Software
www.veeam.com › kb1377Dec 02, 2011 · Off-Site Backup and Disaster Recovery Public Cloud Data Protection Partner Solutions Veeam Alliances HPE + Veeam Cisco + Veeam Lenovo + Veeam NetApp + Veeam Microsoft + Veeam AWS + Veeam Google + Veeam VMware + Veeam IBM + Veeam Nutanix + Veeam Pure Storage + Veeam Alliance Partner Integrations & Qualifications BUSINESS TYPE
VSS Timeout when backing up Exchange VM - Veeam Software
https://www.veeam.com/kb168028.09.2012 · "VSSControl: Failed to freeze guest, wait timeout" Refers to the limit imposed by Microsoft VSS writers on the duration of a freeze. This timeout is not configurable. Veeam uses VSS to freeze applications immediately prior to creating the VMware snapshot, and then sends the thaw command as soon as snapshot creation is complete.
KB1377: VSS wait timeout - Veeam Software
https://www.veeam.com/kb137702.12.2011 · "VSSControl: Failed to freeze guest, wait timeout" Refers to the limit imposed by Microsoft VSS writers on the duration of a freeze. This timeout is not configurable. Veeam uses VSS to freeze applications immediately prior to creating the VMware snapshot, and then sends the thaw command as soon as snapshot creation is complete.
VSS Timeout when backing up Exchange VM - Veeam Software
www.veeam.com › kb1680Sep 28, 2012 · VSS will only hold a freeze on the writers for up to 60 seconds (20 for Exchange), so several steps must fit within this timeframe: Verification of freeze state 1 Snapshot creation request via VIM API 2 Snapshot creation on the ESXi host Return of snapshot information via VIM API 2 Thaw request to Microsoft VSS 1 Thawing of VSS writers’ I/O