Indirect Objects in English (with Examples) | Grammarly Blog › blog › indirect-objectSep 08, 2021 · How do you know if a verb uses an indirect object? Below are some of the most common ditransitive verb examples. Remember, ditransitive verbs don’t need an indirect object, and you can still use them alone or with just a direct object. ask; bring; buy; get; give; hand; introduce; loan; owe; pass; promise; read; sell; send; show; sing; teach; tell; throw; How to find an indirect object. You can find an indirect object by asking yourself “who or what is receiving the direct object?”
Verbs with two objects - English Grammar · Many English verbs take two objects – one direct object and one indirect object. The direct object usually refers to an object. The indirect object usually refers to a person and comes first. He gave his daugther a camera for Christmas. (Indirect object – his daughter, direct object – camera) Could you lend me some money?