Verdens Gang | Yle Uutiset · Verdens Gang. VG: Norjassa on saatettu heittää pois satoja koronarokoteannoksia. 2020. Koronarokote. Norjalaislehti: Suomalaiset AMV-vaunut mukana Jemenin sodassa. 2018. Panssaroitu miehistönkuljetusvaunu. Norjassa halutaan lopettaa huumeidenkäytön rankaiseminen. 2017.
Verdens Gang wiki | TheReaderWiki › en › Verdens_GangVerdens Gang ("The course of the world"), generally known under the abbreviation VG, is a Norwegian tabloid newspaper. In 2016, circulation numbers stood at 93,883, having declined from a peak circulation of 390,510 in 2002. VG is nevertheless the most read online newspaper in Norway, with about 2 m
VG Nå: Vintersport er første gang det skal arrangeres et nyttårshopprenn for kvinnene i verdenscupen. Slovenske Ljubno er vertskap for turneringen 31. desember og 1. januar. – Det blir spennende med en nyvinning som dette, men vi ønsker oss selvfølgelig flere renn og drømmer jo om guttas hoppuke, sier landslagstrener Christian Meyer. (NTB) Hopp
VG - Verdens Gang AS | LinkedIn › company › vg---verdens-gang-asVG - Verdens Gang AS | 4,847 followers on LinkedIn. Verdens Gang AS is a media company whose objective is newspaper publication and related activity. The objective of the newspaper Verdens Gang is to be a party-politically and financially independent daily newspaper covering the whole of Norway. The main office is in Oslo, but there are local editorial teams in other Norwegian cities, and in ...
Verdens Gang - Wikipedia Gang ("The course of the world"), generally known under the abbreviation VG, is a Norwegian tabloid newspaper. In 2016, circulation numbers stood at 93,883, having declined from a peak circulation of 390,510 in 2002. VG is nevertheless the most read online newspaper in Norway, with about 2 million daily readers.