Vaginitis Plus (VG+), NuSwab® | Time of Care › vaginitis-plus-vg-nuswabTEST: 180021 CPT: 87481(x2); 87491; 87591; 87661; 87798(x3) Indications Bacterial vaginosis (BV): As an aid to the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis (BV) in women with a clinical presentation consistent with this disorder. The BV test utilizes semiquantitative PCR analysis of the three most predictive marker organisms (Atopobium vaginae, BVAB-2, and Megasphaera-1) to generate a total score that
RSS - NRK › rssDu kan også få ut RSS på temasider som saksunivers (samling av artikler) og historier (samling av nyhetsmeldinger). Det betyr at om du er interessert i ett ...
Vaginitis Plus (VG+), NuSwab® | Time of Care 180021 CPT: 87481(x2); 87491; 87591; 87661; 87798(x3) Indications Bacterial vaginosis (BV): As an aid to the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis (BV) in women with a clinical presentation consistent with this disorder. The BV test utilizes semiquantitative PCR analysis of the three most predictive marker organisms (Atopobium vaginae, BVAB-2, and Megasphaera-1) to generate a …