Vincenzo (2021) - MyDramaList · Vincenzo (2021) Vincenzo. (2021) At the age of eight, Park Joo Hyeong went to Italy after being adopted. Now an adult, he is known as Vincenzo Cassano to the Mafia, who employ him as a consigliere. Because mafia factions are at war with each other, he flees to South Korea, where he gets involved with Lawyer Hong Cha Young.
Vincenzo (2021)- MyDramaList adulto, ele é conhecido como Vincenzo Cassano da Máfia, que o emprega como consigliere. Como as facções mafiosas estão em guerra entre si, ele foge para a Coréia do Sul, onde se envolve com a advogada Hong Cha Young. Ela é o tipo de advogada que fará de tudo para ganhar um caso.
Vincenzo (2021) Reviews - MyDramaList · to summarize it all, vincenzo is not a special drama and the story is cliche. it isn't worth to watch, there are a lot of better ones. if you think this is the best (or one of the best) kdrama of all time, then you're seriously missing out a lot. i can name more than 70 kdramas better than this. the fiery priest is a lot better (they're from the same writer and has similar …
Vincenzo (2021) - MyDramaList › 61371-vincenzoVincenzo (2021) Vincenzo. (2021) At the age of eight, Park Joo Hyeong went to Italy after being adopted. Now an adult, he is known as Vincenzo Cassano to the Mafia, who employ him as a consigliere. Because mafia factions are at war with each other, he flees to South Korea, where he gets involved with Lawyer Hong Cha Young.