• View topic - DKMS › viewtopicAug 08, 2011 · Aug 2011, 19:00. I'd like to know more on what's going on "behind the scenes" - The inner workings of how when you run the "sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.0" and how it calls and executes DKMS. I read that DKMS uses an order of Add/Build/Install. I notice my kernel headers and source code is located in /usr/src along with a symlink.
Virtualbox-dkms Download (DEB) - › download › virtualbox-dkmsMay 02, 2010 · Virtualbox-dkms Download for Linux (deb) Download virtualbox-dkms linux packages for Debian, Ubuntu Debian Sid Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) Ubuntu 21.10 (Impish Indri) Ubuntu 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo) virtualbox-dkms latest versions: 6.1.30, 6.1.26, 6.1.18, 6.1.6, 5.2.42, 5.2.10
VirtualBox - Debian Wiki the VirtualBox kernel module (also load vboxnetflt in Debian Squeeze): $ su # modprobe vboxdrv; If the module is not found, refer to Installation to provide a virtualbox-dkms* package to your system. You are not a member of the "vboxusers" group. As stated by VirtualBox: WARNING: You are not a member of the "vboxusers" group.