Cascade Lake: Overview - Intel › content › www2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors, formerly Cascade Lake, with Intel® C620 Series Chipsets (Purley refresh), features built-in Intel® Deep Learning Boost (Intel® DL Boost) and delivers high-performance inference and vision for AI workloads.
VMware - Wikipedia 1998, VMware was founded by Diane Greene, Mendel Rosenblum, Scott Devine, Ellen Wang and Edouard Bugnion. Greene and Rosenblum were both graduate students at the University of California, Berkeley. Edouard Bugnion remained the chief architect and CTO of VMware until 2005, and went on to found Nuova Systems (now part of Cisco). For the first year, VMware operated in stealth …
Open Source | VMware Tanzu source is an essential part of any software strategy—from a developer’s laptop to the data center. At VMware, we’re committed to open source and their communities so that we can all deliver better solutions: software that’s more secure, scalable, and innovative. VMware Tanzu portfolio is open source aligned and built on a foundation of open source projects.
VMware · GitHub the vmware-tanzu or the vmware-tanzu-labs org to discover cloud native and modern applications related open source - think of Kubernetes and all its surrounding ecosystem. Recommended projects to explore include Sonobuoy, Carvel, Pinniped, Tanzu Community Edition, and the newest member, Cartographer. There’s even more VMware-backed ...
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