Enabling debug logging for VMware Tools within a guest ...
kb.vmware.com › s › articleAug 26, 2021 · Linux: The VMware Tools process name is vmtoolsd, and it is run from /usr/sbin/vmtoolsd in Linux guests. VMware Tools sub processes VMware Tools creates a number of processes, and starting with VMware Tools for ESXi/ESX 4.1, each process can have logging enabled or disabled individually. On older versions of VMware Tools, the processes always log to the same file.
Vm Logs : Detailed Login Instructions| LoginNote
https://budnet.info/vm-logsIt is important to enable logging for the appropriate process for the issue you are troubleshooting. However, in many cases enabling the primary process vmsvc (as well as vmusr in ESXi 5.x) captures most problems.; To collect the VMware Tools logs, run the C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\vm-support.vbs script from within the virtual machine.
Manually Install VMware Tools on Linux
docs.vmware.com › en › VMware-ToolsJun 07, 2021 · Right-click the virtual machine and select Guest OS > Install VMware Tools... or Guest OS > Upgrade VMware Tools... Fusion: Virtual Machine > Install (or Upgrade) VMware Tools: Workstation Pro: VM > Install (or Upgrade) VMware Tools: Workstation Player: Player > Manage > Install (or Upgrade) VMware Tools