[ubuntu] VNC logs?
https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=109087610.04.2009 · You can check /var/log/auth.log for general access attempts to your computer. Or you can open Firestarter (if you're running it), block the port and check who's trying. A tip: don't open any ports for vnc but go through ssh. And for ssh, don't use the standard port 22 but something 'unknown' above 1000 or so.
[ubuntu] VNC logs?
ubuntuforums.org › showthreadMar 09, 2009 · You can check /var/log/auth.log for general access attempts to your computer. Or you can open Firestarter (if you're running it), block the port and check who's trying. A tip: don't open any ports for vnc but go through ssh. And for ssh, don't use the standard port 22 but something 'unknown' above 1000 or so.