IELTS writing task 1. Vocabulary › pluginfile › 4152323IELTS writing task 1. Vocabulary In this task, you are required to describe what you see in words. There should be no interpretation or analysis, just a factual description. There are several variations of this task: a chart/graph, a table, a map or a process/cycle. 23% 58% 10% 9% PIE CHART 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr What do you need to ...
IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic Vocabulary eBook › 2020 › 07IELTS essays and so you can be sure that it will be very useful for the writing exam in particular. Model answers for each question are given for you to study after you answer the questions, as a way to evaluate your work, or before, as preparation. A variety of topics are covered, and there are many vocabulary exercises and example sentences ...
IELTS Vocabulary - Language Advisor › ielts-vocabularyIELTS Vocabulary Words List for band 8 or 9. A PDF to help prepare for IELTS Reading, Speaking and Writing exams. Vocabulary plays an important role in everyone’s life and with this PDF we would like to help you enhance your vocabulary to improve speaking and writing skills. Vocabulary is equally important for reading and writing.