Managing Extensions in Visual Studio Code › docs › editorYou can manually install a VS Code extension packaged in a .vsix file. Using the Install from VSIX command in the Extensions view command dropdown, or the Extensions: Install from VSIX command in the Command Palette, point to the .vsix file. You can also install using the VS Code --install-extension command-line switch providing the path to the .vsix file.
Top 10 VS Code extensions for developers · Code Time is a VSCode extension with over 200,000 active developers who use it daily. It helps you stay focused and keeps all the distractions away from you while you are coding. Just by clicking on a button to enable “Flow mode,” all notifications are muted, and you will stay in complete focus while working on a project.
Install Visual Studio Code extensions › learn › get-startedNext video: Personalize Visual Studio Code. Outline. Find extensions to install using the Extensions View. Install an extension. See what features are added via the Contributions tab or Command Palette. See other recommendations for extensions. Next video. Personalize Visual Studio Code - Make VS Code yours with custom themes and colors; Learn more
Extension API | Visual Studio Code Extension API › apiExtension API. Visual Studio Code is built with extensibility in mind. From the UI to the editing experience, almost every part of VS Code can be customized and enhanced through the Extension API. In fact, many core features of VS Code are built as extensions and use the same Extension API. This documentation describes: How to build, run, debug, test, and publish an extension.
C++ programming with Visual Studio Code · C/C++ for Visual Studio Code. C/C++ support for Visual Studio Code is provided by a Microsoft C/C++ extension to enable cross-platform C and C++ development on Windows, Linux, and macOS.. Install the extension. Open VS Code. Select the Extensions view icon on the Activity bar or use the keyboard shortcut (⇧⌘X (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+X)).Search for 'C++'.
Extension API | Visual Studio Code Extension API · Extension Capabilities dissects VS Code's vast API into smaller categories and points you to more detailed topics. Extension Guides includes guides and code samples that explain specific usages of VS Code Extension API. Language Extensions illustrates how to add support for a programming language with guides and code samples.