C/C++ project with vscode, CMake
nvdungx.github.io › vscode-cmakeAug 01, 2021 · VsCode extensions There is a lot of extensions, which support C/C++ development on vscode. But to keep it simple, we usually go with one below. Ctrl + Shift + X, search for "C++" and you get everything 3. Let’s build and debug it Alright, after you get all the extensions and compiler in place, let’s create a simple C++ program and try to ...
Debug C++ in Visual Studio Code
code.visualstudio.com › docs › cppThe C/C++ extension for VS Code also has the ability to debug memory dumps. To debug a memory dump, open your launch.json file and add the coreDumpPath (for GDB or LLDB) or dumpPath (for the Visual Studio Windows Debugger) property to the C++ Launch configuration, set its value to be a string containing the path to the memory dump.