Cat Age Converter
catageconverter.webs.comI made this page to make it easier to choose accurate ages for characters in my warriors roleplay. Though, of course, anyone is free to use it. 0-6 moons - kit { Kit Age Guide } 6-12 moons (1 year) - apprentice 12-48 moons (1-4 years) - young warrior 48-96 moons (4-8 years) - average/senior warrior 96-144 moons (8-12 years) - senior warrior/elder
Warrior Cats Generator - Perchance 23 moons PERSONALITY: Imaginative, Sneaky & Adventurous FRIENDS: Ratbrook, Specklefern, and Smokeshine PHSYICAL FEATURES: Small nick in right ear APPRENTICE: none MATE: none FAMILY Mother: Thorneye Mother: Lostblaze Littermates: Scorcheye and Russetpath and Lightningthorn BACKSTORY Has a cat of interest from an opposing clan.
Cat Age Converter
https://catageconverter.webs.com12-48 moons (1-4 years) - young warrior. 48-96 moons (4-8 years) - average/senior warrior. 96-144 moons (8-12 years) - senior warrior/elder. 144-196 moons (12-16 years) - elder. {Click here to convert years to months/moons.} {The text list is mine. The calculator was found here. And the pages I linked to are not mine.
Warrior | Warriors Wiki | Fandom apprenticeship usually lasts for six moons or more (Except for Graystripe and Firestar, who became warriors at nine moons, if an apprentice was away like Squirrelflight or broke a bone like Crookedstar the apprenticeship is longer), thus, warriors are older than 12 moons. Cats become warrior apprentices after an Apprentice ceremony, and full warriors after a Warrior ceremony.