About Us – Waseda University
https://www.waseda.jp/top/en/aboutA progressive university of traditions. Waseda’s culture and traditions have evolved over time since 1882, but its founding principles remain firm. The Waseda spirit lives in the hearts of over 600,000 alumni. Here, we present the changing and unchanged about the University.
Waseda-universitetet – Wikipedia
https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waseda-universitetetWaseda-universitetet (早稲田大学, Waseda Daigaku, ofte kalt bare Waseda eller Sôdai) er et av Tokyos og Japans fremste private universiteter. Universitetet ble grunnlagt 1882 av den japanske statsmannen Okuma Shigenobu. I dag (2013) er det et av de seks universiteter som kalles Tōkyō roku daigaku (東京六大学), en japansk parallell til nordvestre USAs Ivy League. Og bl…
Waseda University - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waseda_UniversityWaseda University (早稲田大学, Waseda Daigaku), abbreviated as Sōdai (早大), is a private research university in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Founded in 1882 as the Tōkyō Senmon Gakkō by Ōkuma Shigenobu, the school was formally renamed Waseda University in 1902. Waseda has numerous notable alumni, including seven Prime Ministers of Japan, …