Water Research - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_ResearchWater Research is a journal of the International Water Association, and publishes research on the science and technology of water quality and its management. It is one of the leading journals in the field of water science and technology. Each year more than 3,000 scientific publications are revised which requires about 7,500 peer reviews per year. In Water Research mainly biologists, chemists, civil engineers, environmental engineers, limnologists and microbiologistspublish their r…
Research | The Water Research Foundation
www.waterrf.org › researchResearch. Our integrated One Water research touches the entire water cycle by addressing issues holistically and providing actionable solutions. WRF's research benefits all areas of the water sector, as well as agriculture, energy, clean air, watershed management, and other commercial industries.
Water Research | US EPA
https://www.epa.gov/water-research05.07.2021 · Water Research. Water is one of our most precious resources. We depend upon it for our livelihoods, healthy ecosystems, and a robust economy. Yet, a host of challenges, such as aging infrastructure, population changes, and security events, threaten the safety and sustainability of our water resources. To address these complex issues, EPA is ...
Homepage | The Water Research Foundation
www.waterrf.orgJoin The Water Research Foundation and WateReuse Association for the 37th Annual WateReuse Symposium March 6-9 in San Antonio, Texas and on the virtual conference platform. An applied approach to the use of big data in energy management at water utilities to achieve energy-efficient and cost effective operations.
Water Research - Journal - Elsevier
https://www.journals.elsevier.com/water-researchWater Research has an open access mirror journal Water Research X, sharing the same aims and scope, editorial team, submission system and rigorous peer review. Water Research publishes refereed, original research papers on all aspects of the science and technology of the anthropogenic water cycle, water quality, and its management worldwide. A broad outline of …
Norwegian Institute for Water Research - NIVA
https://www.niva.no/enIn many cases, drinking water supplies have to be purified using expensive technologies because of contamination by PM substances. As part of this effort, a new, wide-reaching European Research project with NIVA as one of the partners, Zero Pollution of Persistent, Mobile substances, (ZeroPM) will start in autumn 2021. News 04.10.2021.
Water Research | US EPA
www.epa.gov › water-researchJul 05, 2021 · Water Research. Water is one of our most precious resources. We depend upon it for our livelihoods, healthy ecosystems, and a robust economy. Yet, a host of challenges, such as aging infrastructure, population changes, and security events, threaten the safety and sustainability of our water resources. To address these complex issues, EPA is ...
Water Research - Journal - Elsevier
www.journals.elsevier.com › water-researchWater Research is an interdisciplinary journal with an applied edge. This means that papers that go into too many details of one of the supporting disciplines (such as chemistry, toxicology, microbiology, material sciences, etc.) without making a good link with water research in general may be rejected up-front.
NIVA - Norsk institutt for vannforskning
https://www.niva.noVelkommen til NIVA sine nettsider. Begrepet «avløpsrenseanlegg» er avleggs og bør skrotes. KRONIKK: Vi må slutte å se på avløpsvann som et slags uønsket avfall, men heller som en nærmest kontinuerlig kilde av verdifulle ressurser, energi og nyttig informasjon som i mye større grad bør sluses tilbake og komme samfunnet til nytte.