Lecture 8 - Watershed Segmentation
www.epa.gov › lecture-8-watershed-segmentationSegmentation – Land Segment - Channel Segment -. • Division of watershed into discrete land and channel segments to analyze watershed behavior • Portions of the watershed that demonstrate similar hydrologic and water quality response • PLS = pervious land segment ILS = impervious land segment • Sections of a stream channel with similar morphology and hydraulic behavior RCHRES = channel segment.
Watershed segmentation — skimage v0.19.2 docs
scikit-image.org › plot_watershedThe watershed is a classical algorithm used for segmentation, that is, for separating different objects in an image. Starting from user-defined markers, the watershed algorithm treats pixels values as a local topography (elevation). The algorithm floods basins from the markers until basins attributed to different markers meet on watershed lines. In many cases, markers are chosen as local minima of the image, from which basins are flooded.