HOME | WC Ski Racing
www.wcskiracing.comHe has coached at club level in New Zealand and been coach and service for Alice Robinson and the Austrian World Cup Skier-X team. Wylie works as an instructor, coach and guide in Aspen, Colorado. He has one of the most diverse skill sets in the skiing world and is the workhouse of the team.
FIS World Cup Ski Racing
www.fis-ski.com › fis-world-cup-ski-racing21 Sep 2020. The new definition of alpine racing on mobile: World Cup Ski Racing delivers the speed, realism, and precision of the fastest non-motorized sport in the world. Race against live skiers from across the globe in four FIS disciplines - Downhill, Giant Slalom, Super G, and Slalom - as you climb your local and world-wide leaderboards.
Verdenscupen i langrenn – Wikipedia
https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verdenscupen_i_langrennVerdenscupen i langrenn er en årlig serie med konkurranser i langrenn som arrangeres av Det internasjonale skiforbundet (FIS). Den første offisielle verdenscup-sesongen for både menn og kvinner ble arrangert i 1982. Det ble arrangert uoffisielle verdenscuper for menn i sesongene fra 1973/1974 til 1980/81, og for kvinner i sesongene 1978/79 og 1980/81.