Webkamera - Vigga
https://www.vigga.no/webkameraHer finner du webkamera-bilder fra nærområdet. E6 Rosten. E6 Avsjøen på Dovrefjell. E6 Hjerkinn, høyeste punkt over fjellet. Fylkesveg 29, Folldal. E136 Lora. E136 Brustuglia. E6 Fokstugu. Bjorli Skisenter
Webcams in Norway : Cam List
www.webcamsinnorway.com › webcamsHere you can quickly access images from webcams across Norway. Using the controls above, select a region, theme or enter a town or camera location in the search box, and the relevant cams will be shown in the list on the left. Alternatively, show all webcams in Norway. Click on the main link (name of the location) for any camera to display the ...