Weighted Random: algorithms for sampling from discrete ...
zliu.org › post › weighted-randomApr 16, 2018 · In the negative sampling part of the famous word2vec, the algorithm needs to randomly sample some negative words according to their frequencies in the corpus. Codes link . There are more examples in game developing: In games we often encounter random dropping of specified items by certain drop probability, such as falling silver coins 25%, gold ...
Weighted random sample in python - Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › 13047806Jan 11, 2013 · to give a categorical distribution with constant weights) but a random sample of k of those, without replacement, just as random.sample behaves compared to random.choice. Just as weighted_choice can be written as lambda weights: random.choice ( [val for val, cnt in enumerate (weights) for i in range (cnt)]) weighted_sample could be written as