Radiation Studies: Ionizing Radiation | CDC
www.cdc.gov › nceh › radiationJun 29, 2021 · Ionizing radiation is a form of energy that acts by removing electrons from atoms and molecules of materials that include air, water, and living tissue. Ionizing radiation can travel unseen and pass through these materials. It is on the right side of the electromagnetic spectrum in the figure below.
Ionizing Radiation Types
www.cdc.gov › training › productsFour main types of ionizing radiation exist (8). • Alpha particles are positive particles that are ejected from the nucleus during radioactive decay. • Can be stopped by a thin layer of light material • Can be damaging when inhaled or swallowed • Beta particles are high-energy electrons ejected from the nucleus of a decaying atom.
Ionizing radiation - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionizing_radiationIonizing radiation may be grouped as directly or indirectly ionizing. Any charged particle with mass can ionize atoms directly by fundamental interaction through the Coulomb force if it carries sufficient kinetic energy. Such particles include atomic nuclei, electrons, muons, charged pions, protons, and energetic charged nuclei stripped of their electrons. When moving at relativisti…
Radiation: Ionizing radiation
www.who.int › item › radiation-ionizing-radiationApr 29, 2016 · Radiation: Ionizing radiation 26 October 2020 | Q&A Energy emitted from a source is generally referred to as radiation. Examples include heat or light from the sun, microwaves from an oven, X rays from an X-ray tube and gamma rays from radioactive elements. Ionizing radiation can remove electrons from the atoms, i.e. it can ionize atoms.