8 Cool Things to Do on a Laptop - Intel
www.intel.com › content › wwwConnect to your favorite Internet radio station or even your music library at home and enjoy your music without hiccups, static, or time outs. Watch a Movie. Use your laptop to play DVDs, watch streaming videos online, or even to access Netflix* or Hulu* accounts for movies! Stream TV Shows. With an Internet connection, you can to stream TV and watch your favorite shows using Hulu*, YouTube*, Vimeo*, or other websites from anywhere.
Now that I've got a computer, what can I do?
www.computerhope.com › issues › ch000718Aug 31, 2020 · Write a document, report, or even a book. Help check for spelling and grammar errors in your text. View other documents, manuals, or other word processor files. Link the word processor to an external source, such as Outlook, Excel, or another source, and create labels.