01.05.2011 · Tweep -- Tweep at its most literal sense means a follower on Twitter. It's also used to refer to groups of people who follow one another. And sometimes tweep can refer to a beginner on Twitter. Tweet -- Tweet (noun) is a message posted on Twitter with 280 or fewer characters, also called a post or an update.
What does it mean if someone follows you on Twitter? Following someone on Twitter means you are subscribing to the user’s account. Once you follow her or him, you will be able to see their tweets in your timeline, the tweets they respond to, and you can even reply to their tweets.
Following connects you to other people on Twitter, but it doesn't necessarily connect them back to you. When you follow someone, her account appears in your ...
Followers are people who receive your Tweets. If someone follows you: They'll show up in your followers list They'll see your Tweets in their Home timeline whenever they log in to Twitter You can start a private conversation with them How do I know who I'm following?
Follow simply means subscribing to their tweets or messages so they can receive them and read them. Twitter followers are the people who follow or subscribe to ...
Your "following" list contains all the users you follow on Twitter; your "followers" list contains the users who follow you. If you're accessing your account from your computer, select Home. You can see your following and followers numbers under your username. In the Twitter app, select Me to open your Home page to access your lists.
30.10.2020 · DM is a Twitter term that stands for "Direct Message." It's a way of sending a private message to another Twitter user. In order to send a DM to someone else, that Twitter user must be one of your followers. You can send a DM by starting a tweet with DM and then @mentioning the user you want to message.
31.05.2011 · Following is a public activity on Twitter, which means that, unless a user has taken their Twitter timeline private, everyone can see who they follow …
Oct 30, 2020 · If you add someone else to the list of people you read regularly, you "follow" them. If they do the same to you, they become your followers. Popularity on Twitter is often measured by the number of followers a person has. Celebrities, big companies, and public figures can have tens of millions of followers.
Definition: In social media, a follow represents a user who chooses to see all of another user's posts in their content feed. Getting users to follow their ...
No. Following on Twitter isn't mutual. Someone who thinks you're interesting can follow you, and you don't have to approve it or follow them back. If you want to approve who follows your Tweets, protect your Tweets. The same rules apply—you can approve followers, but you don't have to follow them back.
What does it mean if someone follows you on Twitter? Following someone on Twitter means you are subscribing to the user’s account. Once you follow her or him, you will be able to see their tweets in your timeline, the tweets they respond to, and you can even reply to their tweets.
Jan 26, 2021 · Following someone on Twitter simply means subscribing to their tweets or messages to receive them and read them in your feed. If you want to know what a particular user is tweeting in real-time, you follow that person. Then, when you log in to Twitter, their comments show up in your feed, along with the tweets of those you've chosen to follow.