python - What does pythonic mean? - Stack Overflow › questions › 25011078Jul 29, 2014 · Pythonic means code that doesn't just get the syntax right but that follows the conventions of the Python community and uses the language in the way it is intended to be used. This is maybe easiest to explain by negative example, as in the linked article from the other answers. Examples of unpythonic code often come from users of other languages, who instead of learning a Python programming patterns such as list comprehensions or generator expressions, attempt to crowbar in patterns more ...
What is Pythonic? - Computer Hope · Pythonic is an adjective that describes an approach to computer programming that agrees with the founding philosophy of the Python programming language. There are many ways to accomplish the same task in Python, but there is usually one preferred way to do it. This preferred way is called "pythonic." Python philosophy of writing code
What is Pythonic? - Secret Weblog › posts › olderAug 06, 2005 · It is Pythonic is to exploit dynamic typing for instance, and it's definitely not Pythonic to introduce static-type style verbosity into the picture where not needed. To be Pythonic is to avoid surprising experienced Python programmers with unfamiliar ways to accomplish a task. The word "Pythonic" can also be applied beyond low-level idioms.
What does python mean? - definitions › definition › pythonPy′thoness, the priestess of the oracle of Apollo at Delphi, in Greece: a witch.— adj. Python′ic, pretending to foretell future events, like the Pythoness: prophetic: like a python.— ns. Py′thonism, the art of predicting events by divination; Py′thonist. [Gr. Pythōn, the serpent slain near Delphi by Apollo.]