What is Wellbeing?
https://www.habitsforwellbeing.com/what-is-wellbeingAs well as feeling satisfied and happy, well-being means developing as a person, being fulfilled, and making a contribution to the community” ~ Shah and Marks (2004). Headey and Wearing’s (1992) indicate that wellbeing is shown “as depending on prior equilibrium levels of wellbeing and of life events, and also on recent events. “
What does wellbeing actually mean? | Wellbeing People
www.wellbeingpeople.com › 2018/07/20 › what-doesJul 20, 2018 · The meaning of wellbeing is multidimensional. An overall sense of wellness will not be achieved without having a balance in these key elements: Physical. This includes lifestyle choices that affect the functioning of our bodies. What we eat and how active we are will affect our physical wellbeing. Emotional or psychological. This is our ability to cope with everyday life and reflects how we think and feel about ourselves.