characterization. the process by which the writer reveals the personality of a character. direct characterization. In literature and drama, the method of character development in which the author simply tells what the character is like. indirect characterization.
PLAY. Match. Gravity. indirect characterization. Click card to see definition π. Tap card to see definition π. when the author shows what a character is like through the character's actions. Click again to see term π. Tap again to see term π.
Learn indirect characterization literature with free interactive flashcards. Choose from 500 different sets of indirect characterization literature flashcards on Quizlet.
Indirect Characterization by Effect on others. What is reveals by the character's effect on other people? How do other characters feel or behave in reaction to the character? Indirect Characterization by Actions. ... Other Quizlet sets. SP 103: Adult Neurological Disorders. 18 …
the author directly states a character's traits or makes direct comments about a character's nature. Indirect Characterization the author does not directly state a character's traits; instead the reader draws conclusions and discovers a character's traits based upon clues provided by …
PLAY. Match. Gravity. indirect characterization. Click card to see definition π. Tap card to see definition π. when the author shows what a character is like through the character's actions. Click again to see term π. Tap again to see term π.
Identify the type of indirect characterization in the following sentence: Mary looked away and shifted her feet when father asked her where the money went. character's action What type of indirect characterization is being used in the following sentence: The students in the back row glared at Stephen who was hiding a cheat-sheet under his leg during the math test.
What is indirect characterization?-A) when the author shows a character's traits through words and actions B) when a character expresses her true nature by acting in an opposite manner C) when the narrator tells what a character is like with an explicit description D) when a narrator is also a character in a story who provides internal thoughts
In literature and drama, the method of character development in which the author simply tells what the character is like indirect characterization the character is revealed through their personality, appearance, words, actions, and effect on others descriptive details details that help you feel, smell, hear, or see an image character emotions
indirect characterization. the character is revealed through their personality, appearance, words, actions, and effect on others. ... Other Quizlet sets. Biomechanics 320 Exam II study guide. 43 terms. Hoffmann21. Renal tumors pt2. 40 terms. Michael_Petrosino. Past Perfect. 15 …
indirect characterization. A teacher brought him cookies and punch, and the popular kids who had never before given him the time of day now clustered around him. indirect characterization. No one takes him seriously. he is so frightfully touchy and lazy. direct characterization. Jonas bowed his head and searched through his mind.
Terms in this set (5) · Direct Characterization. the author directly states a character's traits or makes direct comments about a character's nature. · Indirect ...
Indirect Characterization When you have to make an inference or draw a conclusion abour a character based on details the author gives. Direct characterization "I have light-brown, almost-red hair and greenish-gray eyes." Indirect characterization "Johnny gulped and got a little pale, but he said, "You heard me. Leave her alone."
Terms in this set (10) ... He was tall and lean, with dark brown hair and blue eyes. ... Mary looked away and shifted her feet when father asked her where the money ...
Indirect Characterization - Actions. Direct Characterization. He was tall and lean, with dark brown hair and blue eyes. Mary looked away and shifted her feet when father asked her wh…. Henry threw the winning touchdown pass with ease. Karen is bright, energetic, and helpful. Indirect Characterization - Looks.
Indirect Characterization. the author gives clues about a character by describing what a character looks like, does, and says, as well as how other ...
What is indirect characterization? A) when the author shows a character's traits through words and actions B) when a character expresses her true nature by acting in an opposite manner C) when the narrator tells what a character is like with an explicit description D) when a narrator is also a character in a story who provides internal thoughts
Terms in this set (7) · Direct Characterization. tells the audience what the personality of the character is. · Indirect Characterization. shows things that ...