What is the adjective for god? - WordHippo
https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the-adjective-for/god.htmlAdjectives for god include godawful, god-awful, goddessless, goddesslike, goddessy, god-fearing, godforsaken, godless, godlier, godliest, godlike, godly, godsdamn ...
What is the adjective of God? - faq-all.com
https://faq-all.com › ...What is the adjective of God? saintly, devout, godly, holy, pious, religious, sainted, angelic, blameless, blessed, God -fearing, righteous, ...
Positive Words Describing God A to Z - How To Describe God
positivewordsresearch.com › positive-wordsJun 01, 2016 · Positive Words Describing God – Words To Describe God A to Z – Adjectives for God. Awesome; Almighty; Almighty God; Bountiful; Beautiful; Benevolent; Bread of Life; Comforter; Compassionate; Deliverer; Everlasting; Faithful; Great; God’s Spirit; God is spirit; Holy; I Am; Inner Sanctuary; Jehovah; King of Kings; Loving; Marvelous; New Every Morning; Omnipotent; Omniscience; Omnipresent; Powerful
What is the adjective for god? - WordHippo
www.wordhippo.com › what-is › the-adjective-forholy, devout, religious, pious, saintly, righteous, sainted, prayerful, reverent, faithful, devoted, believing, saintlike, virtuous, angelic, good, dutiful, churchgoing, pietistic, practicing, practising, committed, celestial, charismatic, deific, god-fearing, god-fearing, born-again, spiritual, divine, sacred, blessed, pure, dedicated, …
God Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
www.britannica.com › dictionary › godGOD meaning: 1 : the perfect and all-powerful spirit or being that is worshipped especially by Christians, Jews, and Muslims as the one who created and rules the universe; 2 : a spirit or being that has great power, strength, knowledge, etc., and that can affect nature and the lives of people one of various spirits or beings worshipped in some religions often used informally to suggest that what happens to someone is controlled by gods or by luck