What is a Derivative? – The Math Doctors
www.themathdoctors.org › what-is-a-derivativeAug 10, 2020 · The noun for what we are finding is “the derivative “, which basically means “a related function we have derived from the given function”. But the verb we use for that process is not “to derive”, but “to differentiate “, which comes from the “ difference quotient ” on which the derivative is based. The process is called “ differentiation “.
Derivative - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DerivativeA vector-valued function y of a real variable sends real numbers to vectors in some vector space R . A vector-valued function can be split up into its coordinate functions y1(t), y2(t), ..., yn(t), meaning that y(t) = (y1(t), ..., yn(t)). This includes, for example, parametric curves in R or R . The coordinate functions are real valued functions, so the above definition of derivative applies to them. The derivative of y(t) is defined to be the vector, called the tangent vector, whose coordinates are the …
Definition of derivative
web.iit.edu › pdfs › what_are_Derivative•This derivative function can be thought of as a function that gives the value of the slope at any value of x. •This method of using the limit of the difference quotient is also called “ab-initio differentiation” or “differentiation by first principle”. •Note: there are many ways of writing the derivative symbol. Some of