Past tense of “text” - Pain in the English, when "text" is a verb (i.e. send a text message), it's past tense is "texted". And I hear it quite commonly in everyday conversation. bubbha Feb-18-2006 27 votes Permalink Report Abuse You are all wrong. Text has not become an verb, it is slang. If used as slang, the past tense of Text is Text. Tranaut Mar-03-2006
Past tense of “text” - Pain in the English › case › 474Yes, when "text" is a verb (i.e. send a text message), it's past tense is "texted". And I hear it quite commonly in everyday conversation. bubbha Feb-18-2006 27 votes Permalink Report Abuse You are all wrong. Text has not become an verb, it is slang. If used as slang, the past tense of Text is Text. Tranaut Mar-03-2006