What is the purpose of an adjective?
www.weegy.comSep 03, 2021 · Weegy: When forming the superlative degree of an adjective, -est is commonly added to the end of the word. User: What is the purpose of a adjective Weegy: The purpose of an adjective is to modify a noun.
What is the purpose of an adjective? - Weegy
www.weegy.comFeb 05, 2021 · User: What is the purpose of an adjective? To replace a noun, to modify a verb, to change a verb tense, or to modify noun. Weegy: The purpose of an adjective is to modify a noun. Score 1. User: Which were in this sentence is an example of a common now Heights , books, favorite, or are. Log in for more information.
What is the purpose of an adjective? A. To modify a verb B ...
www.weegy.comAug 12, 2018 · User: What is the purpose of an adjective? A. To modify a verb B. To modify a noun C. To replace a noun D. To change a verb tense Weegy: The purpose of an adjective is to modify a noun. Expert answered|Score 1|Totoro|Points 7215| User: What is another term that means "stress" in a word? A. Origin B. Syllable C. Accent D. Vowel