08.03.2020 · 2 Answers. Python usually stores its library (and thereby your site-packages folder) in the installation directory. So, if you had installed Python to C:Python, the default library would reside in C:PythonLib and third-party modules should be stored in C:PythonLibsite-packages.
23.12.2015 · On Windows machine python modules are located at (system drive and python version may vary): C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\Lib Share. Follow edited Jan 13 '20 at 17:56. Trect. 2,055 2 2 gold …
Find python module in sys.path. The python sys module’s path attribute save all python module stored path. Then you can find your python module in the output path directory. Use __import__ ( '<module_name>' ).__file__ to get the python module stored file location. # define a function to check whether module is a builtin module or not.
Where are Python modules installed Ubuntu? Installing 3rd party Python modules on an Ubuntu Linux machine? /usr/local/lib/python2.7 which contains these two ...
Python usually stores its library (and thereby your site-packages folder) in the installation directory. So, if you had installed Python to C:\Python\, the ...
19.12.2017 · You can manually go and check the PYTHONPATH variable contents to find the directories from where these built in modules are being imported. Running "python -v"from the command line tells you what is being imported and from where. This is useful if you want to know the location of built in modules.
20.12.2017 · Python Modules are usually stored in /lib/site-packages in your Python folder. If you want to see what directories Python checks when importing modules, you can log the following: You can also list where individual modules being used by a script (say hello.py) reside on the system using the python -v command. For example,
For Windows, the standard location is based on the directory into which Python is installed. For most Linux environments, Python is installed under /usr/local , ...
In Python 3 and above, the sysconfig module is available to use for listing the packages installed. The sysconfig module isn’t to be mistaken with the distutils.sysconfig submodule that was mentioned above. The latter is an altogether different module and it’s deficient in the get_paths function that will be used here.
Python looks for modules in “sys.path”¶ ... Python has a simple algorithm for finding a module with a given name, such as a_module . It looks for a file called ...
Where are Python libraries located? ... Usually the Python library is located in the site-packages folder within the Python install directory, however, if it is ...
06.06.2021 · Method 1: Using os module. For a pure python module we can locate its source by module_name.__file__. This will return the location where the module’s .py file exists. To get the directory we can use os.path.dirname () method in os module. For example if we want to know the location of ‘random’ module using this method we will type the ...