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which vs what

questions - "Which" vs. "what" — what's the difference and ...
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"Which" is more formal when asking a question that requires a choice between a number of items. You can use "What" if you want, though. Generally speaking, you can replace the usage of "which" with "what" and be OK grammatically. It doesn't always work the other way around, however. There needs to be a context of choice. For example:
Who, That, Which | Grammar Rules - GrammarBook.com
The distinction between that and which, though a useful guideline, is not universally accepted as a hard-and-fast rule. For many centuries and up to the present, which has been routinely used by great writers and journalists to introduce essential clauses.
Qué vs Cuál - When to Use "What" and “Which” in Spanish
The choice between ‘what’ and ‘which’ sometimes makes for a fun discussion in English. In contrast, the rules for qué vs cuál are more well-defined in Spanish by the above set of phrases. It might take a little getting used to, but if you remember the phrases from this post, you will be able to avoid any mistakes with qué vs cuál.
That Versus Which - kentlaw.edu
That Versus Which. The traditional approach to this question is to use "that" with restrictive clauses and "which" with nonrestrictive clauses. While some writers seem to have abandoned the distinction entirely, no better rule has come along to replace the traditional rule. Moreover, the rule is easy to master. 1.
what or which?
We ask What...? when there are a lot of possible different answers. Example: What sport do you play? (There are many sports.) We ask Which...? when the answers are quite limited. Example: Which way should I turn? (You can turn right or left only.) If we include the possible answers as part of the question, then we use Which.Example: Which restaurant did you go to last night?
Difference Between Which and What | Compare the Difference ...
02.06.2011 · The key difference between which and what is that which is generally used in cases where there is a limited choice whereas what is used when the choice is bigger.. Which and what are two common interrogative pronouns in the English language. The origin of what lies in the Old English word hwæt.In the same manner, the origin of which lies in the Old English word hwilc.
Which vs What - Common Mistakes and Confusing Words in ...
which vs what If you are trying to make a choice, what is used to ask when there are an unknown number or infinite possibilities for an answer. You know that there are many, many ways that exist to address your question, and you make — from all the possibilities, and you might not even know about some of them — the best choice.
questions - "Which" vs. "what" — what's the difference and ...
Questions of attribute which and what: We usually use which when we are asking about a fixed or limited number of things or people, and what when we are not. Often, however, we can use either which or what with little difference in meaning. Compare:
Which vs What - Common Mistakes and Confusing Words in ...
https://www.learnenglish.de › whic...
You can use which when you have a very small or limited field to choose from. Certainly use which, not what, when there are only two choices, or if both speaker ...
Which vs. That: How to Choose | Grammarly
Which vs. That: How to Choose. Shundalyn Allen. Grammar. In a defining clause, use that. In non-defining clauses, use which. Remember, which is as disposable as a sandwich bag. If you can remove the clause without destroying the meaning of the sentence, the clause is nonessential and you can use which. People use which and that every day.
Which vs What - Common Mistakes and Confusing Words in ...
www.learnenglish.de › mistakes › whichvswhat
which vs what: If you are trying to make a choice, what is used to ask when there are an unknown number or infinite possibilities for an answer. You know that there are many, many ways that exist to address your question, and you make — from all the possibilities, and you might not even know about some of them — the best choice.
Which - English Grammar Today - Cambridge Dictionary
https://dictionary.cambridge.org › ...
Which or what? ... We use both which and what to ask questions. We use which when there is a restricted range of answers. We use what more commonly when the range ...
WHICH vs WHAT: How to Use What vs Which in English ...
confusedwords.org › which-vs-what
Jun 24, 2019 · What’s the difference between What vs Which? They are two common interrogative pronouns in English. The main difference between which and what is that which is used for a limited number of choices, what is used for an unlimited number of choices. Which Definition and Examples Which is used for a limited number of choices. Which Examples:
Difference Between Which and Who in English Grammar ...
27.01.2011 · Which vs Who in English Grammar . Which and who are two words in the English language that might appear to be similar when it comes to their meaning, but strictly speaking there is a very important difference between their usage. Who is normally used to refer to human beings, either male or female.
Difference Between Which and What
https://www.differencebetween.com › ...
The key difference between which and what is that which is generally used in cases where there is ...
What vs Which What is the difference? - MyEnglishTeacher.eu
https://www.myenglishteacher.eu › ...
Do you say what day is it? or which day is it? Which is preferred when you have a limited number of choices. Which car ...
Which vs. That (Grammar Rules) - Writer's Digest
07.08.2012 · Now that you've learned the rule, let's put it to a test: 1. The iPad (which/that) connects to the iCloud was created by Apple. 2. The issue of Writer's Digest (which/that) has Brian A. Klems’ picture on the cover is my favorite. The correct answers are: 1. The iPad, which connects to the iCloud, was created by Apple.
How to Use What vs Which in English? - Confused Words
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Which or What? What's the difference between What vs Which? They are two common interrogative pronouns in English. The main difference between ...
"Which" vs. "what" — what's the difference and when should ...
https://english.stackexchange.com › ...
"Which" is more formal when asking a question that requires a choice between a number of items. You can use "What" if you want, though.
When to Use What vs. Which for Correct Grammar
https://grammar.yourdictionary.com › ...
“What” and “which” are both interrogative pronouns. This means they stand for something the speaker does not yet know. They work for objects, qualities, or ...
What vs Which 🤔👉 What is the difference? - MyEnglishTeacher ...
www.myenglishteacher.eu › blog › what-vs-which
Oct 02, 2018 · Is there a Difference Between Which and That? Usage of Which vs That Well that depends, there is no difference in meaning but there is a difference in the way we use it. There are various ways to use both. However, we are going to look at how they work as relative pronouns. To start with, we use “that” when we refer … Continue reading
When to Use What vs. Which for Correct Grammar
grammar.yourdictionary.com › vs › when-to-use-what
Key Difference Between “What” and “Which” “What” and “which” are both interrogative pronouns. This means they stand for something the speaker does not yet know. They work for objects, qualities, or places, but they never work for people. For people, you generally use the word "who" instead.