What is the difference between which and whose? | WikiDiff
wikidiff.com › which › whoseAs pronouns the difference between which and whose is that which is (relative) who; whom; what (of those mentioned or implied) while whose is of whom, belonging to whom; (used as an interrogative pronoun). As a determiner which is what, of those mentioned or implied (used interrogatively ). As a noun which is an occurrence of the word which .
Relative clauses (who, which, whose, whom, that) - Inglês ...
https://www.infoescola.com/ingles/relative-clauses-who-which-whose...Relative clauses (who, which, whose, whom, that) As orações relativas ( relative clauses) são construídas com a adição de partículas que adicionam informações à oração principal. Tais partículas são conhecidas como pronomes relativos. Na língua inglesa, os pronomes utilizados são: Who, Whom, Which, Whose e That.