What Is Global Health?
globalhealth.duke.edu › what-global-healthFundamentally, global health is about achieving better health outcomes for vulnerable populations and communities around the world. Those who study or practice global health work to eliminate health disparities in low-resource settings around the world through research, education and collaborative intervention.
Health Cluster Home
https://healthcluster.who.intHealth Cluster teams and partners are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic by working to contain the spread of COVID-19 and decrease morbidity and mortality. The Health Cluster works at local, national, regional and global levels to meet the …
Global Health Observatory
https://www.who.int/data/ghoGlobal health estimates. the latest available data on causes of death and disability globally, by WHO region and country, by age, sex and by income group. Mortality database. A platform for visualizing mortality data by country, year, age, sex and cause of death as reported by countries. ...
Global Health Observatory
www.who.int › data › ghoThis is a centralized and comprehensive source of information and analyses on global health R&D activities. The Observatory monitors various health R&D related data and incorporates these in comprehensive analyses, with interactive visualizations to help users track and investigate the development in health R&D across many dimensions.
10 global health issues to track in 2021
www.who.int › news-room › spotlightDec 24, 2020 · 10 global health issues to track in 2021. 2020 was a devastating year for global health. A previously unknown virus raced around the world, rapidly emerging as one of its top killers, laying bare the inadequacies of health systems. Today, health services in all regions are struggling to both tackle COVID-19, and provide people with vital care.
WHO | Global health agenda
www.who.int › about › visionThe global health agenda sets out a 10 year vision of the future of health. It is based on consultative discussion with partners. It includes an assessment of the state-of-the-world's health based on scientific research and analysis, the challenges and the gaps that we must all address together and the role of WHO within that context.