History of logic - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_logicTraditional logic generally means the textbook tradition that begins with Antoine Arnauld's and Pierre Nicole's Logic, or the Art of Thinking, better known as the Port-Royal Logic. Published in 1662, it was the most influential work on logic after Aristotle until the nineteenth century. The book presents a loosely Cartesian doctrine (that the proposition is a combining of ideas rather than terms, for example) within a framework that is broadly derived from Aristotelian and medie…
Who is the father of logic? - Quora
www.quora.com › Who-is-the-father-of-logicAristotle was the first to set forth a formal system of logic. And Thales is often regarded as the first philosopher. But, in a larger sense, for both logic and philosophy, there have been practitioners since the origins of humanity. This could be considered an essential part of what distinguishes humans from all other creatures.